

負責於哥爾夫球中心解答顧客查詢, 為客人提供專業的服務; 協助其他文職及後勤工作; To maintain the facilities of Golf Centre in a good condition; To manage and maintain golf bag storage and other guest service supplies

僱主︰ 康泰哥爾夫球中心有限公司

刊登日期︰ Jul 3, 2024


制定和管理會員行銷和銷售策略; 提供卓越客戶服務並以專業的方式處理客人的查詢; 保持內部和外部各方的有效溝通; Manage and lead the golf team; Develop in store development, such as expansion and renovation; Maintain the facilities in...

僱主︰ 康泰哥爾夫球中心有限公司

刊登日期︰ Jul 3, 2024


一般客戶服務主任工作, 負責於哥爾夫球中心解答顧客查詢, 為客人提供專業的服務; To maintain the facilities of Golf Centre in a good condition; To manage and maintain golf bag storage and other guest service supplies;...

僱主︰ 康泰哥爾夫球中心有限公司

刊登日期︰ Jul 3, 2024